Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mission Committee

Our Pastor recently invited Reverend Gail Avery, Port Chaplain of Boston Harbor/Seafarer's Friend to speak at our Sunday worship service.  She told stories of the maritime community.  Seafarers are away from home for months at a time, are mostly from third world nations, and live isolate lives in a dangerous, unpredictable world often  void of our expected social  norms.  Seafarers faith in adversity is an encouragement to those who meet them. 
Due to their lengthy assignments on board the need is great for toiletry items, pens, pencils and notepads, etc.
The Mission Committee has put up a box in the back of the sanctuary for members to bring in items for sailors.  These will get passed on to ship chaplain to pass out when she visits these seafarers.  Thank you all for supporting this great outreach!